Monday, December 22, 2008
G's homemade weight lifter
A very special guest
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 12/18/08
- What is the title of your new guided reading book?
- Did anyone new join your reading group?
- Tell me one interesting thing you read today?
- Did you use Lego digital designer in the Mac lab today or yesterday?
- How many badges have you earned?
- During math you learned about doubles, can you explain that to me?
- What is a compliment? Can you give one to each person in your family?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 12/16/08
- Can you tell me three things you learned about Hanukkah from Mrs. Smith?
- Who did you have a job interview with today?
- Can you explain the math game fill in the hexagon or racing bears to me?
Dana's clay angel
Friday, December 12, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 12/12/08
- Can you tell me about the special presentation you had in class about St. Lucia's Day?
- What is the name of the author that visited Jamestown today and what is the name of her famous character?
- Can you explain sequencing to me?
- What is the name of the story you did a sequencing activity with?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 12/9/08
- Can you explain the math game roll and record?
- What two holidays did you complete in your celebrations book?
- Can you tell me the story of Prince Rama?
- What did you do with the reading teacher in the morning?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 12/8/08
- Can you explain the science center Mr.T put in literacy centers in the morning?
- Did you make an art project during quiet time today?
- How many wheels does a bicycle have?
- Name two types of transportation.
- How many ways can you make 4, 5, 7, or 9?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Yoga with our 2nd grade buddies
Friday, December 5, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 12/5/08
- Did St. Nicholas visit your class today?
- Why do children leave carrots and hay in their shoes on St. Nicholas eve?
- Did you make something special during literacy centers?
- What did you have to count in your morning work today?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Questions for the dinner table 12/4/08
- Can you tell me about the celebrations book you started today?
- What are three things you learned about Ramadan?
- Who is going to give a presentation on St. Nicholas day tomorrow?
- What was your social studies lesson about?
- What did you have to do with your guided reading book during literacy centers?
- Can you describe three ways people use light?
- Why were there fish in the morning math assignment?
- Tell me something that was a challenge for you and something that was a success for you in class today.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Questions for the dinner table 12/1/08
- What short vowel did you learn today?
- Who was the parent volunteer for literacy centers?
- What was your word sort about?
- What two books did you listen to in the listening center today?
- Who taught your Spanish class today?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Our Thanksgiving Feast
The Super Kinders
Monday, November 24, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 11/24/08
- Can you tell me two facts about Pocahontas?
- What will your class be for the Thanksgiving feast?
- Did you have to make anything special to wear to the feast?
- What did you use oil pastels to make in class today?
- Tell me three things you are thankful for.
Elizabeth 1's paper bear project
Friday, November 21, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 11/21/08
- What was your word study sort about today?
- What did you use to make a turkey today?
- Did you complete your turkey project or will you have to work on it on Monday?
- Did you have a fire drill in the morning or in the afternoon?
- Do you remember the name of the book Ms. Brown read to the class?
- Did you get a chance to run out of class and play when it started to snow?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 11/20/08
- Can you explain the mystery letter game you played in literacy centers?
- How many sight words could you read during sight word bingo?
- Did you complete your word study assignment or will you have to work on it tomorrow?
- What color is your word study book?
- What was the initiative for morning meeting?
- What was different about how the classroom was set up today?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Super Kinders plant a tulip garden to participate in the Journey North Project
The students planted red emperor tulip bulbs and used wooden tulips made for us by the Girl Scouts to mark the place they planted their bulbs.
A day with Dr.Jean!

The entire kindergarten team was fortunate enough to have a day of professional development in Chantilly Virginia with the world renowned Dr.Jean. We spent the day learning songs, chants , and cheers to help reinforce literacy skills with our students. We received valuable classroom management tips and "tricks" that we are eager to try out in the classroom. This was truly a fun-filled day that I will never forget. A huge thank you to our supportive administrators that provided us with this opportunity. I look forward to returning to school tomorrow to start sharing what I learned with my students.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 11/18/08
- What was Mrs. Hymsfeld's lesson about?
- Did you enjoy the Smartboard sing-a-long?
- What was your favorite song?
- In math did you make a book about money?
- Did you finish your book today?
- What was Mr.T's morning read aloud about?
- What did you do in art?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Questions for the dinner table 11/17/08
- What were your two specials today?
- What is the difference between a seed and a bulb?
- What did you plant today?
- Did you earn a badge during badge work?
- Did you have literacy centers indoors or outdoors today?
- What is the book "The Giving Tree" about?
- How did you mark the spot where you planted your bulb?
Benjamin's Leaf Collage
Ab's name project
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 11/12/08
- Did you have open centers today?
- Who were the 4th grade buddies that helped in the morning?
- What did you do in computer lab today?
- What was the book "The Wolf Who Cried Boy" about?
- Did the librarian come to the classroom to read to you today?
- What were your specials today?
- What is your favorite part of your new chapter book "Love That Dog:?
Gracie's artwork: "Leaves"
Nadia's princess picture
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ryan 1's artwork: A cover of a book
Claire's artwork: "My Teachers"
Questions for the dinner table. 11/10/08
- What monument is shaped like an obelisk?
- What are the 4 monuments you will see on your field trip on Thursday?
- Who was the 1st president of the United States of America?
- What did Thomas Jefferson write?
- Can you name the four coins and their value?
- Can you name the new literacy center you had today?
- Who was the parent volunteer?
Friday, November 7, 2008
How was your day?
I am on a bus headed to New York City and I thought I would write you guys a quick note. How was your day? Did I miss anything exciting? I hope you were all on your best behavior today:) I miss you all and I can't wait to see you again on Monday. If you read this post I would like you to ask your parents to help you leave a response under the comments section of this post. I look forward to reading all of your responses. Feel free to tell me anything that you want. Have a fantastic weekend boys and girls!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Elizabeth 2's artwork: "The Sunfish"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 11/3/08
- What vowel did you learn about in literacy centers today?
- Who was the substitute for Mrs. Kuehn?
- What were the 4 monuments you learned about during social studies?
- Can you name three words with the short a sound?
- What did you see on your nature walk with Mr. Turner?
- Can you tell me the special thing the girls scouts made for your class?
- What is special about November 4th?
- Who celebrated their birthday in class today?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It's Halloween Time!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Group 4: What is your favorite part of Halloween?
Group 3: What is the best part of Halloween?
Group 2: What is your favorite thing about Halloween?
Group 1: What is the best part of Halloween?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/30/08
- What was the new center Mr.T put in literacy centers this morning?
- What is a word family?
- Can you explain the book you made during math today?
- What book did the counselor read to the class?
- What grade did you play with on the playground during recess?
- Did you draw a picture of your Halloween costume?
- Name one thing that was a challenge for you and one that that was a success for you today.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/29/08
- What were the games you played in the math carnival today?
- What did you do in computer lab?
- Who was the mystery reader today?
- Did you earn a badge in badge work today?
Zach's art work: "The Beach"
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/28/08
- How many scarecrows are you making for the scarecrow competition?
- What scarecrow are you working on?
- What is enemy pie?
- How many bunches of 10 do you have in calendar math?
- How many ones do you have in calendar math?
- How many days have you been in school?
- Did you start the All About Me class book today?
- Who is on the first page?
- What was the title of the Halloween story Mr.T read today?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/27/08
- Did you enjoy Cinderella the opera?
- What specials did you go to today?
- Who was your favorite character in the opera?
- What did you learn in music class?
- Who did you sit next to on the bus ride to the opera?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/24/08
- Who won math bowl today?
- What did you blog about in literacy centers?
- What did you do in calendar math?
- How many days are left until Halloween?
- What is Mr.T going to be for Halloween?
- Can you tell me one addition math story and one subtraction math story?
- Who volunteered for literacy centers today?
- Did you meet with your 4th grade buddies? What did you do with them?
- What was the best part of your week?
Group 4: What do you want to do this weekend?
Group 3: What do you want to do this weekend?
Group 2: What do you want to do this weekend?
Group 1: What do you want to do this weekend?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/22/08
- Can you explain your computer lab lesson?
- What are tricky teens?
- What book did the librarian read today?
- What happened during the drill today?
- Who was the mystery reader?
- What part of the community did you study today?
- Has everyone been star student?
- What did you do in literacy centers?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dana's model of Jamestown Elementary School
Questions for the dinner table. 10/21/08
- What were your two specials in the afternoon?
- Can you explain badge work?
- What was your morning work assignment?
- Name at least three badge centers you went to today.
- Who were the two new characters you read about in Wayside School?
- What is so special about the 19th story?
- How many days have you been in school?
Kelly's Ocean artwork
Monday, October 20, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/20/08
- What was the initiative in morning meeting?
- Who volunteered for literacy centers?
- Did you meet with Mr.T for guided reading today?
- What did you do in your guided reading group?
- What is the title of your guided reading book?
- Who will be the last start student tomorrow?
- What happens after everyone has been star student?
- What are you collecting on the blacktop?
- What was the interactive story about?
- What did you do on your nature walk in the afternoon?
- What are ordinal numbers?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Questions for the dinner table. 10/17/08
- What did you blog about today?
- Who read Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude to the class today?
- What did you use the Smartboard for today?
- Did you have open centers?
- Who volunteered to help in literacy centers today?
- Did you like the Halloween word search?
- Did you complete the ending sounds sort in literacy centers today?
- What was the new activity Mrs. Kuehn put in open centers today?
- Tell me one thing that was a success for you and one thing that was a challenge for you today.
Group 4: What do you want the world to know about kindergarten?
We have a prize box that looks like a treasure chest. We like literacy centers. We like open centers. We like magic school bus and peep and the big wide world. We have a Smartboard. We like to go outside for recess. We like lunch. We like reading. We like doing math activities in the hallway. We learn to be friendly to each other. We like swinging on the monkey bars. We have new friends in kindergarten. We like the blacktop. We like stories on the Smartboard. We like cutting out pictures. We like coloring. We like painting.
Group 3: What do you want the world to know about our classroom?
We have literacy centers. We have a Smartboard. We have two teachers. We have a movie after lunch. We meet with our buddies in 4th grade. We have a playground. We like our teachers. We have open centers. We have snack. We know how to read. We think our classroom is cool. We have a lot of kids in our class. We are learning how to write. We are learning how to spell. We have a TV in our classroom. We know each others names. We earn badges!
Group 2: What do you want the world to know about our classroom?
We like math. We like the computer lab. We like story time. Do you like it? Our school is called
Group 1. What do you want the world to know about our classroom?
We have 23 people in our class. We know our ABC’s. We have a black top we play and do jump rope. We have two playgrounds. We have 4th grade buddies. We have two teachers. On Wednesday and Friday Ms. Brown comes to our class. We have a bathroom in our school. We have a tv in our room. We like to play with legos. We like to do yoga.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Literacy Centers
Questions for the dinner table.
- What was your favorite part of the read aloud Stellaluna?
- What were the four literacy centers you had today?
- What did you learn from Ms. K's(the counselor) lesson?
- What are the two letters you worked on in hand writing without tears today?
- Was there a star student today?
- Did you play a literacy game in the hallway with Mr.T today? If yes, what did you do?
- Tell me one thing that was a success for you and one thing that was a challenge for you today.
I will try to add questions for the dinner table on a daily basis.