Monday, November 17, 2008

Ab's name project

"I like it because it has Snoopy and red is my favorite color. I made it with scissors, markers, paper, and tape. It's specials because it has Snoopy on it and he is one of my favorite characters in Charlie Brown. I want my mom to see it on the blog. I want my Pops who lives in Alabama to see it. I also want Nana who lives in Georgia to see it."-Ab

1 comment:

Ab's Nana said...

Ab, I am excited to see your name project. It was very good and well thought out. Here I am in Georgia and you are in Mr. Turner's class in Virginia and I get to see what you and your classmates are doing. It makes Nana very happy to see you and your classmates be so creative. The photos of everyone are great!